If you get a text inviting you to a Pathways appointment and it’s not a convenient time, you can always keep your previously scheduled in-person appointment. Simply click the link if you are able, and your appointment will begin. Please note: You will NOT have to download an app or go to a website. If it’s a convenient time, you can click the link in the text and meet with a WIC nutritionist right away and have benefits loaded to your eWIC card immediately. If you use WIC services at health departments in Chatham, Effingham, Glynn, or Liberty counties, you may get the opportunity to complete your WIC appointment virtually, saving travel time and gas! As WIC telehealth slots become available, clients with scheduled in-person appointments will be sent a text from Pathways Telehealth. WIC clients in Glynn and McIntosh counties please call 91.WIC clients in Bryan, Camden, Chatham, Effingham, Liberty, and Long can call (toll-free) 1-85.to 1 p.m.) and our courteous, professional staff can answer questions, schedule and re-schedule appointments, give directions, and make referrals for other services. The WIC call center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. Have a question, need to schedule an appointment, or reschedule an appointment? Use our convenient WIC Call Center. You can also take the WIC Eligibility Assessment. You can find out if you are eligible for WIC by calling the Coastal Health District WIC Call Center toll-free at 1-85 or your local health department. Clients must show proof of income, home address, and identification at the first visit. To find out if you are eligible to become a WIC participant, please call our WIC Call Center or your local health department. Help in finding health care and other community services.Support and information about breastfeeding your baby.Information about nutrition and health to help you and your family eat well and be healthy & personalized nutrition consultations.eWIC cards to buy healthy foods such as milk, eggs, bread, cereal, juice, peanut butter, and more, from WIC-authorized vendors.Low income parent or guardian (including men) who is the sole provider of children under age five who are at nutritional risk and who are at or below 185% of the federal poverty level.Low income postpartum women (up to 6 months).Low income breastfeeding mothers (up to 1 year).The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program is a special program that provides nutritional education, food supplements, and referrals to health care providers to those who meet eligibility criteria, including: Women, Infants and Children Nutrition Program (WIC)